Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday, An Experience

Well, this year was the first time I've ever gone shopping on Black Friday. I got up at 4 am and was standing in line by 5. The marketing and PR that goes on that day was well thought out. The Sonicare people for "a Plaque Free World" were standing outside Target and were very intense. They were getting some press out of it, it really seemed like a rally or a protest. Here's the picture I found, probably shot when I was walking out of the Target in the background! Earlier when I walked into Macy's I was greeted at the door by an Oceanspray representative with free samples of their new Cranenergy drink. I got a few extra, I'm a bit cranberry-obsessed. I found of the blog of a mom getting "free samples" in the mail from earlier this year, apparently the product has been around for awhile unbeknownst to me. It comes up second on a google search.

Finally, I've got another great example of how bloggers are becoming so influential for PR. A close friend and I always meet up to have coffee and a bagel at the European Shoppe. He and I were talking about how the Mayflower Inn & Spa sold for a few million, so I checked to see how much it sold for ($31 million if you're interested) and then found this great blog post about the spa that has to have been solicited by a PR person. It has great visuals and enticing text, plus it comes up on the first page of Google results for the Mayflower Inn. SEO much?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Remember life before the computer...?

Tonight I did something I haven't done in awhile, I wrote by hand my homework that needs to be posted online. There was something amazing about being away from a computer for 3 hours rather than being in front of one. I was at my friend's room, which made me not want to lug my laptop the mile it takes to get to her residence hall. Instead, I printed the prompts to which I needed to respond, plus my documents on Microsoft word I needed to review, and brought along some reading materials that need to be blogged on later.

Somehow, all the work I needed to get done didn't seem so intimidating without the blank screen and blinking cursor ruining my eye sight. Also, while I was doing my homework, my friend was editing another friend's paper. For an hour she read to me sentences which needed to be rewritten, and I helped just by listening, not by reading. It occurred to me (as it should since reading Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves To Death) that we have become such visual learners. It was nice to just listen aloud to my friend's paper, and edit it without having the whole paper in front of me. I was able to reword the sentence faster than she was, because she was faced with retyping the thing, and all the words were jumbled in front of her.

After I stopped editing the paper, I went on to read this article for my Contemporary Media Issues class, one that correlates strongly with Social Interaction. It seems a bit long, but I think you will be comforted to see the effect that social media has on our lives, long term. Plus, I don't think this could better illustrate the connection between the two classes, our friend Danah Boyd was mentioned, although a different article where she described the parasocial relationships as people we follow closely using social networks or microblogging even though these people might be unaware of it.

The article also talked about how social networks seem like a requirement for 20 year olds to monitor their online identity, because, let's face it - who knows what pictures of you will be posted if you don't check? Basically, it's intriguing and I think my Internet Marketing teacher would be enlightened, as it enforces her love of Twitter. Now onto my homework for my Contemporary Media Issues class. We post all of our class comments (homework) on our class blog.

I hope you'll try doing work without a computer soon, because you may find it inspiring! Which is why, I said aloud to my friend ""It was nice not to be in front of a computer, for once, I think I will blog about it when I get back." Alas, I've continued the vicious cycle.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What a blog is for...

Spreading the word. View this video!
A few reasons why:

1. You can impress your employer with a new way to be socially responsible
2. You'll learn something you probably didn't know before
3. It's about the environment, one of the top challenges facing us today
4. Great images of world scenery
5. Happy to see a video instead of a few paragraphs of text? I think it's a nice change myself.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Editor

Public Relations is writing, but it's also about who you know. My aunt has been in the advertising industry for years, so she also understands the importance of how something is worded, whether it be a brochure, web site or just a proposal. I can always count on her to offer advice on any projects I send her way which makes me feel more confident in what I'm writing. I don't have the years of experience that she does, and I'm not afraid to ask for help when its needed.

This fall I had the task of writing the ad copy for a full page ad that will be running for a full year in 2009. As someone who is a college student, I'm not completely confident in my writing yet, but I will become more confident over time. I was relieved when my aunt helped me with the writing of the ad copy by offering comments on what I had done. Whatever class I'm taking it always helps to have another pair of eyes offering constructive criticism- and I'd rather get it from a family member than from a future client.

Just so you don't think that I'm the "family leech," my aunt is going back to school to become a paralegal. She just started online classes this fall so she sends me law documents to test the readability. We help each other out, plus I bring her Lake Champlain chocolates. : )

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ethics, Silence, Patience and Grace

Yes, I played off the Foo Fighters' album title in mine, but it summarizes this post nicely.

In every class I've been learning about PR in different lights. In my principle PR class, I'm learning about building relationships with people, how to create media kits, write effectively and getting feedback from classmates. I'm learning about how to be in the business, how to fit in and what to do and not to do.

In my Contemporary Media Issues class we've been talking about how PR flies under the radar. Do people realize that sometimes 60% of content in news sources were generated by news releases? The answer is probably not. Unlike advertising, PR is not labeled. Most people don't know what a VNR (Video News Release) looks like if they saw one while watching the nightly news, but they understand what a commercial is. Is it ethical? That's a question I've been debating.

Then there are things that I've been absorbing in my Social Interaction class and my Internet Marketing class. In Social Interaction in a Digital Age I was introduced to the nasty side effects of bloggers outing "bad PR." In a blog post written by the editor of Wired magazine, he posted the email addresses of PR people he had blocked. This is the side of PR that gives it a bad name, and it's unfortunate. In a reactive blog post, author of PR 2.0 points out the best way PR professionals can become better, so at least something was said to amend the problem.

Now, Internet Marketing is all about how appropriate online resources can be best leveraged to benefit a client. So, this is a class about "learning how and when to use the tools."
So, I like to think about this question, "How can I be a change in the profession?" How do I go against the stereotype? I like to say "I'm not going into politics" if someone gives me a questioning look when I say I'm going into PR. Then I realize that it's not just politics...

I've come to the realization that no matter how much I question my decision to go into PR when I read about all the work that goes into good PR that usually does not receive credit (Good for Obama for giving credit where credit was due in his speech) I will always come back to the reason - I like to work with people in a positive way. That's why I wanted to go into PR and in the end PR is about developing positive relationships with people about something you think is worthwhile. Now, let's see how well I can put that into practice as a PR professional. We shall see...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Re: Social Interaction in a Digital Age

Connections between the classes I am taking this semester:

I am taking 4 classes that revolve around the same topics this semester. They are all intertwined, especially when it comes to a Web 2.0 world. I created this blog for my Contemporary Media Issues class, but I really think that these issues are relevant to Champlain students no matter if you're in the class or not. In that class we reflect on the impact of media on our lives, and weigh the pros and cons, looks at persuasive techniques in media texts. We've been focusing on the election, but also have been reading the books Censorship 2009, Feed, and Amusing Ourselves to Death. All of these titles relate to how the media are shaping our world and our future. If you are in the CCM division I would strongly suggest reading Feed and Amusing Ourselves To Death. Feed is very short, and the other title is very worthwhile and will give you a completely different perspective on being a media professional.

In my internet marketing class I am uncovering new ways to use PR and advertising. This definitely ties in with what I am learning in this online class of how people connect over the internet. I have to think about how a target market is using the internet and computer-mediated communication (CMC, for those who don't know) tools.

In my Writing for Public Relations class I have to keep in mind how to approach writing the copy for a number of different media - whether it's a website, print ad or brochure I need to think about the audience. Same thing with marketing. The persuasive techniques I am learning in my Contemporary Media Issues class really come in when I am writing for this class, as well.

Overall this semester seems to be an integration of a number of different professors and what they think is important to learn. I really am enjoying all that I am learning, although it's been difficult to balance all the work. It's a lot of group work, but it's definitely worth all the hands-on experience I am getting.

I completed my first video project with my friend and peer Kristen last week! Please check out the 1 minute video that is below this post...Can you spot any persuasive techniques?