Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Editor

Public Relations is writing, but it's also about who you know. My aunt has been in the advertising industry for years, so she also understands the importance of how something is worded, whether it be a brochure, web site or just a proposal. I can always count on her to offer advice on any projects I send her way which makes me feel more confident in what I'm writing. I don't have the years of experience that she does, and I'm not afraid to ask for help when its needed.

This fall I had the task of writing the ad copy for a full page ad that will be running for a full year in 2009. As someone who is a college student, I'm not completely confident in my writing yet, but I will become more confident over time. I was relieved when my aunt helped me with the writing of the ad copy by offering comments on what I had done. Whatever class I'm taking it always helps to have another pair of eyes offering constructive criticism- and I'd rather get it from a family member than from a future client.

Just so you don't think that I'm the "family leech," my aunt is going back to school to become a paralegal. She just started online classes this fall so she sends me law documents to test the readability. We help each other out, plus I bring her Lake Champlain chocolates. : )

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